
Proiectul reprezinta rodul unor cautari, documentari asiduee precum si traininguri profesionale de mai bine de 5 ani ale proprietarului agentiei Office Travel.
Prin participarea la traininguri si cursuri internationale de pregatire si perfectionare in domeniul promovarii si vanzarii croazierelor precum si prin afilierea la majoritatea liniilor de croaziera si la forurile internationale ce reglementeaza activitatea in industria croazierelor veti avea garantia conseierii, ofertarii si achizitionarii unei croaziere conform dorintei dumneavoastra, bucurindu-va in acest sens de un sejur de vis si la propriu si la figurat.

Toate aceste demersuri mai sus enuntate ne-au dat posibilitatea achizitionarii unor platforme electronice de vizualizare a disponibilitatilor, a tarifelor- de rezervare on line in timp real, instant in asa fel incat dumneavoastra veti achizitiona croaziera dorita fara nici un cost suplimentar, la pretul liniei de croaziera.
Inseram mai jos cateva informatii de baza , incercand sa demitizam sa combatem argumentat unele mituri care dainuiesc si impiedica vanzarea croazierelor menite sa va ajute in decizia dumneavoastra in a achizitiona o croaziera – urmand ca in fiecare sectiune, specificatie a siteului sa gasiti suficiente informatii legate de vasul de croaziera, structura puntilor, tipul si descrierea cabinelor, a facilitatilor de pe vas, intr-un cuvint tot ceea ce trebuie sa stiti inainte de imbarcare.

Mai jos anexam citeva din diplomele obtinute menite sa confirme expertiza ce o detinem in promovarea, conseierea si vinzarea croazierelor.


Welcome Ioan
Congratulations Ioan! You are now a graduate of HAL Academy and a designated Holland America Line “Five-star Agent.”You are now eligible to receive the graduate benefits, in addition to your personal satisfaction for a job well done! Your graduate kit will be sent to you within 10 business days.You may use also our “Five-star Agent” icon on business cards, stationary, flyers and other collateral to indicate that you have graduated from our training course.Again, congratulations Ioan on your new Five-star Agent status. Thank you from all of us at Holland America Line and Windstar CruisesPOST-GRADUATE PROGRAM
As you well know, the travel industry changes at a rapid-fire pace. You’re committed to staying on top of the latest developments (you’ve proved this by taking the HAL Academy course); and so are we. That’s why we’ve created a new, advanced HAL Academy program for graduates like you who want to update and strengthen their competitive advantage in today’s marketplace.

* Ioan you are eligible for twelve continuing education units from The Travel Institute. We suggest you supply a print out of your exam results or a photocopy of your certificate to The Travel Institute. You must be a Certified Travel Associate (CTA) or a Certified Travel Counselor (CTC) to claim the units.

Congratulations Ioan! This email confirms that you have successfully passed Holland America Line’s Post-graduate Exam.

The results of your exam are:
Name: Basea, Ioan

Number of questions correct: 19 out of 20 questions.
Score: 95 %

Congratulations Ioan! You successfully passed the exam!

As a Post-graduate, you’ll receive a
HAL Academy mug and lapel pin in recognition of your professional expertise. To ensure we have your current shipping details please review and, if necessary, update your contact information.Best wishes, HAL Academy

300 Elliott Avenue West ? Seattle, WA 98119 ? (206) 281-3535

October 5, 2007 This is to confirm that Ion Basea of Ion Basea Cruises & Tours( by Office Travel) graduated from Holland America’s HAL Academy agent training program.The HAL Academy program involves registering for the program and studying from theworkbook. Estimated study time: 8-10 hours/day. Then taking the online exam. To graduate agents must get a 75% or higher correct score or 30 out of 40 correct responses to the true/false and multiple-choice questions.Ion also successfully completed the online post graduate course. If you have any questions, please contact me at regards,Annie WoodwardHAL Academy Administrator



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